Lime is important

For a large number of plants chalk of vital importance. Lime ensures that the acidity of the soil is optimized, so that the plant roots have an easier time absorbing all the essential nutrients from the soil.

Most plants only thrive if the soil is only weakly acidic, neutral or even calcareous.
If the soil is too acidic, these plants will show typical deficiency symptoms: growth leaves much to be desired, the leaves turn yellow because the plant does not absorb enough nutrients.
These are important signs that your soil is deficient in lime.

In addition, soils with a lime deficiency become compacted more quickly. Lime makes the soil airier and easier to cultivate.
This is not only good for the plants, it also makes garden work a lot easier.

Because the soil acidifies naturally, an annual maintenance dose is necessary for most plants. Autumn is an ideal period to replenish the lime supply in your soil.

The ideal acidity (pH) for your lawn is between 6.0 and 7.0. A soil pH that is too low hinders the microbial activity of the soil. It is also more difficult for the nutritional elements in the soil to be released to the grass roots.

Residues of mown grass are converted less quickly and a felt layer that is difficult to penetrate develops. Water and nutrients can no longer reach the grass roots. Too low a pH also promotes the development of moss.


Acid-loving plants such as rhododendron, azalea, (blue) hydrangea, heather plants and witch hazel do not like liming.

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